Planet Coaster Bot Competition - Winter Edition Results
It’s finally time for us to reveal the top 5 entries for the Planet Coaster Bot: Winter Edition competition! We received so many amazing entries, which made it really difficult to cut this list down. Every entry impressed us in a different way!
With a surprising range of themes and styles considering the rules given out, it was really fun to look through the submissions. We really hope you enjoyed making them! If your submission didn’t make the top 5, please know that these are all insanely impressive. However, the top 5 went the extra mile in delivering on the smallest of details that put them as the best of the bunch. So, lets see our top 5!
5. Spruceland Winterfest
By Lars Spaetgens

Spruceland Winterfest is a charming amusement park with some incredibly intricate details! From small signs which mark staff only paths and park maps, to large scale ride facades with coloured lights running along them. The park includes Forest Run, a low to the ground, airtime focused wooden coaster that weaves through the trees; and the main attraction, Castle Escape, a Mack Extreme Spinner bound to make guests dizzy!
There are other smaller attractions too, including a wave swinger, giant frisbee and even a hedge maze! Lots of attractions are fitted with custom operator booths and lighting packages, adding to the immersive wintery feel to this mini-park. Spruceland Winterfest also uses a good mix of foliage, adding a colourful burst to every ride, and the landscape as a whole.
Click here to download the map.
4. DownTown Christmas Market
By Tilo2808

The Christmas fair has come to town with Tilo2808’s DownTown Christmas Market! A fairground which looks to have been inspired by Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland. This Christmas market’s main attraction is a travelling Schwarzkopf looping coaster called Winter Express, which offers a fast and intense experience. The ride’s single loop, with lettering on top, is sure to catch guest’s eyes.
There are a few other smaller attractions, including an ice skating rink, several flat rides you’d expect to see at any other travelling fair, and a kiddie coaster called Dragon 2. The realism really sells this park, the shine on the ice, the transportable footers on the rollercoaster and even the small town buildings built on the roads surrounding the park. The fantastic street Christmas lights hanging above the roads make it all the more impressive. This park is just full of Christmas cheer!
Click here to download the map.
3. Sector 02
By Team DownUnda (Distantz & Flare)

Sector 02 is a soviet scientific experiment bunker that has gone horribly wrong, spawning this dystopian looking theme park area. Filled with tiny details to strengthen the story of the area, the whole land has a very immersive feel to it. The main coaster in this park is an Intamin launch coaster called Experiment -01G. It features the greatest acceleration of any Intamin roller coaster, reaching a whopping 1.8g! The ride also includes a small indoor section at the beginning and a fly through one of the tallest buildings in the park.
Other rides in Sector 02 include a Vekoma family boomerang covering one edge of the park called Fusion, which interestingly uses GCI’s Millennium Flyer trains. This ride features plenty of headchoppers and a steep near-vertical spike. The other major ride in the area is an S&S shot tower called Reactor, offering great views around the entire area. Overall, this park has a clear theme, keeps to realism and includes some high quality rides.
Click here to download the map.
2. Nuclear Winter Wonderland
By whosthatChris, Kick2, Seblines & Max-2301

Nuclear Winter Wonderland is another spin on the winter theme by having the entire park themed to a nuclear winter as a result of a soviet Russian power plant. Interestingly, the story of the area follows a community who now live around a chocolate factory that is still able to keep producing treats. The main attraction of this area is a dive coaster called Charlie and the Nuclear Chocolate Factory, complete with a duelling drop feature. The ride also travels around the entire area, including flying through an underground trainline!
There is also a very unique swinging mine train going through the underground industrial area, as well as a drop tower themed to the local radio tower. Another very impressive feature of this park is the KMG Afterburn, which swings through a wrecked building, looking like it smashed through the walls providing a fantastic near miss element. This park has a really creative story behind it with lots of little details to support it, including an underground community of people all enjoying themselves at a secret concert!
Click here to download the map.
1. Mt. Hundaskit
By Tyler, Tom, Jai & Jack

The top spot goes to this incredible wintery village filled with the finest of details that completely immerse you into the area. The village surrounds one of Santa’s toy making factories, filled with “fairies” helping Santa to make, wrap and send off toys to all the children around the world every December! The park area includes a terrain-hugging Vekoma mine train called Polar Express which weaves in and out of the mountain, with clear inspirations from attractions like Expedition Everest.
Mt. Hundaskit also includes the fun interactive dark ride attraction called Wrap Battle, which takes you through the wrapping workshop. Riders help the fairies by tagging all of the Christmas presents ready to be sent out. The most impressive feature of this park is the lighting, best showcased in the Huss Booster called The Cellar, with such an intense light show that the park comes with a photosensitive epilepsy warning.
Overall, this park is one of the most realistic projects I’ve seen in this game. Every detail on every building down every pathway has been thought out and has purpose and meaning. It is both visually impressive and fun for the player, making it a clear winner in this competition.
Click here to download the map.
Congratulations to everyone
As said previously, the calibre of submissions for this competition was extremely high. A huge congratulations goes to the people that took the top 5 spots, as well as everyone else that took part. We implore you download some of the maps and see them all for yourselves!
Again, a big thanks to everyone that took part in the competition. If you’d like to see us host more competitions like this, let us know in the comments!
- Cal and Harry