5 things we love about a theme park opening day

We recently visited Blackpool Pleasure Beach for the 2020 opening weekend. It was our first time at Blackpool for opening day and we had a great time! There’s lots to love about visiting a park for the first day of the season. Here are some of our favourite things about a theme park opening day…

Seeing what’s changed

One of the most exciting things about opening day is getting to see the improvements that have been made to the park during closed season. Throughout the winter months, staff are busy updating and improving the appearance of the park ready for the next season. Sometimes there’s even a brand new ride or attraction being built that you can experience for the first time on opening day! It’s great to see areas of the park that have been given a revamp and a


Getting back on rides

Of course, the main reason we all visit theme parks: to ride roller coasters. There’s nothing like getting back on all your favourite rides after a long and painful break from the parks. Although we all hate it, in a way the closed season is a blessing because the long break means we get to experience amazing first rides of the season. After months of waiting to get back on a ride its amazing to be flying through the air again!

Meeting up with other enthusiasts

Opening day is often seen as a big meet-up or social event where enthusiasts get together at a park. Of course there’s no official opening day event, but it’s a popular day to visit so you’ll more than likely bump into some fellow enthusiasts around the park. It’s a great chance to meet new people and get on some rides with friends. The fact that so many enthusiasts visit parks on opening day means the atmosphere on the day is quite different to normal. There’s always a really exciting and friendly vibe across the park and it’s a great opportunity to get on some rides with fellow enthusiasts.


Not riding coasters

Sometimes it’s not all about the coasters! There’s plenty of things to do besides getting on the rides on opening day. One of our favourite things to do is check out any new merch the park has released for the new season. The enthusiast community doesn’t often come together on the same day too, so opening day is a also rare chance to got to know members of the community, meet new people and spend time with friends. That’s why it doesn’t really matter sometimes how many coasters you get on in a day - it’s an opportunity to just hang out and get to know everyone.

Excitement for the season to come

The first day of the season is always an exciting one. As it’s the first theme park visit of the year it gets you thinking about the rest of the season to come. There’s lots to look forward to throughout the year and opening day at a park really gets you excited for the new season ahead!

What’s your favourite thing about opening day?

- Zoe


Things we wish we knew before visiting Blackpool Pleasure Beach opening weekend


Aesthetically pleasing themed theme park areas we love